
Diane - 2008-12-11 12:08:34
You make Home Depot sound fun. Maybe I'll get a job there too. Lord knows I need one.
Poolie - 2008-12-11 14:32:05
See you at the Fleet around noon for lunch today?
onewetleg - 2008-12-11 16:41:07
it is fleet week?? I saw a real live sailor standing in Downtown KFalls on Monday. He was wearing the bell bottom pants, peacoat and white sailor hat. He wasn't handsome, though. Looked shady. Sort of ratlike. All right well, you ladies have fun and don't get in to any trouble. You know how soldiers can be, lol! Hugs, JJ
terri t - 2008-12-11 21:04:47
I wish you worked at my Depot of I could see you.... Hope you had a great day and good luck with Friday's walkaround.

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