
Blue Opal - 2008-12-25 03:31:30
I'm with you - there's a LOT to be said for a day off when you have NOTHING TO DO! :D
Cosmic - 2008-12-25 08:45:23
Oh, you sent something to me in RI? How sweet! I haven't gotten it yet. Just kidding. Don't get spooked, haha. I saw the sweet little head gear you sent to bluesleepy's little girl. I just thought I would pull your leg. I hope your Christmas is as wonderful as it can be. From our house to yours, Merry Christmas.
scotvalkyrie - 2008-12-25 14:08:34
A Merry Messy Kweznuz to ya! Here's to not doing much! I have to work myself, but that's okay for me . . . hardly anyone calls.
l\'empress - 2008-12-25 14:43:24
Wishing you a restful day and joy of the season. I used to cringe, thinking of all the work you did so that other people could have a nice holiday.***The other stuff I understand. When Husband worked in the hospital, I used to tell him to take Christmas and Easter, because the other guys should be spending the time with their kids. I wanted the Jewish holidays off.

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