
Blue Opal - 2009-01-09 01:13:41
It was nice here this afternoon - still freezing in the mornings. I'm enjoying it while I can, though. In another couple of months it'll be miserably hot again in the afternoons
Cosmic - 2009-01-09 01:50:37
I would love a little warmth up here. Not heart, just warmth. Fancy Nancy says, "Hi!" She is very happy here.
Orgami (steven) - 2009-01-09 02:53:28
Pushing tin wow Cocoabean I cant believe it 68' Mustanarangs I keep thinking of "the Blue Lady" Morrisons Shelby I think he had watched some videos of him actually driving around in the mid-west somewhere and a song called "Tobacoo Road" he sang I had a 76' v-6 standard it had nice body lines and then a 79' small six standard both fun cars not the nice cars you get to see though Its so cold up here so far this winter a real winter ha ha Wow nice marks You must be a proud Mama!!!! Im still part time and enjoying it I am very very proud of you my freind!!!! Mr Orgami
michele - 2009-01-09 15:32:26
Dude has a wonderful mom since she's willing to help him financially with his textbooks. What a great gal you are!!! Hopefully he realizes this, too!
Terri T - 2009-01-09 20:23:05
Mother's work is never done even when you have moved away. Enjoy your weekend.

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