
Fifi - 2009-01-10 02:32:56
Beanie, do you ever make peanut squares anymore or was that just a grocery thing? They always sounded so delicious! XOFifi Pee Ess I am so happy that you got free!
Beyondpanic - 2009-01-10 04:10:56
You are truly a Super Sleuth!
im2qt2kr - 2009-01-10 06:31:46
You were smart to not fall for the kiss. There's an elderly gentleman in one of the clubs I'm in that, when there's a new lady joining, he'll go up and tell her, "today's my birthday, can I have a birthday kiss on the cheek?" And when she goes to kiss her, her turns his head around real fast and gets her smack on the lips. No candy is worth THAT! haaaa
terri t - 2009-01-10 16:36:34
you DID have an interesting day....boy that bag of candy sounds good but not kissing someone for it..... ick!!!! I am glad you got a head massage, shampoo, color and cut. That had to be the best part of the whole day for you.
zucchini breath - 2009-01-10 20:11:30
Aww, I think gray hair is lovely. I hope mine turns all gray! My mom and sister did by they time they were my age, where is my gray hair? LOL. Well, I guess I don't have 5 kids by this age, either. Can't win them all
art - 2009-01-11 00:00:13
im getting old and grey around the edges! why does the store even GIVE store credit? i dont get that concept!
bluesleepy - 2009-01-11 05:17:24
Oh I'd love to meet up with you at Rebecca's!! Sounds like an excellent night out. I love how you gave that guy the store credit because he worked so hard for it. Good for you!

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