
Char - 2009-01-23 01:20:27
Wow, you sure are moving fast. Hope it all works out for you. 2 of my bros are in LA this week helping my aunt move from her house, that she was in for 60 plus years to Covina in an apt. She's excited.
Paula - 2009-01-23 02:59:02 your getting a better place, closer to work and less expensive..can't beat that. I went back and took a look at the picture you that a 2 or 4 unit building? Good luck on the move.
bluesleepy - 2009-01-23 03:55:07
Awesome!! Sorry you have to pack up again and move, but it seems like it will be well worth it!
Crystal Balls - 2009-01-23 04:30:11
Wow - I'm out of touch, didn't even realize you were moving. But sounds like it's a good move, so bully for you!
Cosmic - 2009-01-23 04:46:36
It was nice talking with you tonight! Be well and don['t pull a muscle packing all those boxes.
LA - 2009-01-23 17:44:18
I am in awe of your motivation and organization! I yearn to learn from you, oh Master of Get It Done. ~LA the Hapless
terri t - 2009-01-23 19:15:40
Sounds like you belong to the hurry up and wait is always good to know that YOU are ready...hope the rest of the two weeks goes smoothly and that you get settled just as quickly.
mz. em - 2009-02-17 21:35:54
You are groovin' on in the packing up department. I hate packing.

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