
Rosie - 2009-02-06 02:17:39
Hooray for the new place! I can't wait to come over and visit you there, you horribly selfish woman! I can't believe that the ex would have bitched about you putting your books in the book case! And not having gotten around to putting away the silverware. If it had been me in that situation, I'd have likely sung him this song...

Were you born an asshole?

Or did you work at it your whole life?

Either way it worked out fine

'cause you're an asshole tonight.

You are so lucky to be free of him!
gbw - 2009-02-06 02:30:10
Enjoy the new place and be happy with the books on the shelf and the silverware on the counter... Men, a bunch of jerks (most of them, anyway)
yankeechick - 2009-02-06 02:33:35
Hooray for you!! It must be such a good feeling to have that over. Relax and enjoy :)
Carol - 2009-02-06 02:55:10
I LOVE the fact that you tossed the silverware in the drawer. I think I would have thrown a knife at him first!! Oh yeah, I did do that to the first one. Glad you'll be able to get some rest.
Starkitten01 - 2009-02-06 03:00:00
It will never cease to amaze me how F***ed men can be. You are SO much better off - and I'm willing to bet happier!- on your own with no one around to give you crap over things that never should have been an issue in the first place! You didn't deserve that. You had *every* right to have those books in the bookshelf! I am so excited for you with your new place! Thinking of you! <3*hugs*
Miss Hiss - 2009-02-06 03:07:23
See, what you should have done was got the silverware and thrown it all at him -- pointy sides first -- and told him to learn some fucking manners. And that he'd better pick up the silverware, wash it and put it away -- neatly -- when he'd pulled it out of his head and/or vital organs. And that he'd better not bleed all over the floor or you'd do it again. (And that he'd better build you even more bookshelves, RIGHT NOW.) Love, R xxx
wordy - 2009-02-06 03:09:13
Freedom, baby! Happiness is only having the asshole you were born with and not an extra one to live with!
psis - 2009-02-06 03:38:35
Congrats on the move! You sure were fast and efficient. I hope you love the place.
im2qt2kr - 2009-02-06 07:57:19
Like my Momma use to say, when I would whine about wanting a boyfriend like all the other girls, Honey, there are worse things than being alone! Your X proves that fact.
Patty - 2009-02-06 11:18:49
My ex was just like that. Never a compliment, only a complaint. You're doing a great job, and you should be proud of yourself. You sure floor us!!
Carolyn - 2009-02-06 12:15:10
Drunks are like that. They take their faults and project them onto others. I'm amazed at everything you accomplished in one day. I hope you love your new place.
margie - 2009-02-06 14:07:53
Once again, I want to tell you the admiration I have for you to be bold and strong enough to get rid of the x and move on to happiness. You bring a smile to my face.
Pattypat - 2009-02-06 14:21:43
YAY for you - and consider yourself patted on the back! So glad you are in a much happier place. Happy new home!
l\'empress - 2009-02-06 14:32:19
Thanks for reminding me. My husband never understood about books either, but his take would have been entirely different. He would put the "silverwares" away himself. He would carry out the boxes. Then he would ask about supper. He drank about two beers a *year*.
Poolie - 2009-02-06 15:19:50
Books and stereos ALWAYS go up first! Didn't he know the rules?
Carrie - 2009-02-06 15:23:31
Seriously, what's more important than books??? And besides, it's a quick way to make at least something look orderly, and get rid of TONS of boxes at the same time. I say books are a priority, and it's not like your kids would STARVE if you hadn't unpacked the silverware yet! Geez!!
terri t - 2009-02-06 18:09:08
people like that always have to find fault..if it hadn't been the books; it would have been why wasn't the entire house unpacked and put are so much better off and now you have your new cozy place to get used to. Hope you have time to enjoy it this weekend or whenever your next time off work comes along.
psis - 2009-02-07 00:09:19
How sad to be so excited about all you did during the dayto have a crab come home and spoil your work!
Wyndspirit - 2009-02-07 01:41:50
I'm so excited for you! And movers are so much worth every single penny!!! As for books... I don't even want to THINK about moving the thousands of mine!
Beyondpanic - 2009-02-07 01:42:44
How GREAT is it that you don't have to deal with his assholery anymore!! Yes, that IS a word!

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