
Rosie - 2009-02-10 03:36:55
Could y'all stop sending your rain this way? We've got high winds and rain and all sorts of nasty stuff! Then again, February is San Diego's rainy season! Hope you get the days off you want!
zucchini breath - 2009-02-10 03:59:53
Yay for vege stir-fry!
michele - 2009-02-10 12:10:01
i can't believe that they don't give you OT for working more than 40hrs! that's a huge bummer. i also am bummed for that you had such nasty weather to contend with.
Beyondpanic - 2009-02-10 14:27:42
Wow, you really put in a very hard day of work...every day! I just sit on my ever-widening ass and talk to people on the phone all day. The only way I know what the weather is is by getting up and walking past all of the cubicles to the windows - which are covered with blinds!
Poolie - 2009-02-10 15:22:21
Yesterday was a real howler, indeed!
LA - 2009-02-10 15:23:25
A semi-cruddy work day and a great dinner. Not too shabby. Glad your new place is cozy! ~LA
Joan - 2009-02-10 17:49:28
Sorry you had such a sh*tty day. Some days are just beyond repair. There is always tomorrow:) Need to see some pics of your new digs.
Terri T - 2009-02-10 18:07:15
seems like they would give you Sunday off because of the overtime rule....doesn't seem right to make you work and not pay for OT. But I am glad you were cozy and warm in your new place and enjoyed your time off.
bluesleepy - 2009-02-10 18:45:26
Oh I am so glad you didn't set your hair on fire! But hey, I was up at 6am this morning too -- but only momentarily. Kurt got up that early because he's got duty today, and I was so confused that he was up that I got up too. So now I'm tired. Your Chinese stir fry sounds good! Can I come over for supper??
psis - 2009-02-10 22:52:32
Your new place's temp will not fluctuate as much as your previous place because you have adjacent neighbors whereas your previous place stood alone expose to all the environment--good to hear that you like the manager. Looks like a nice place!
Crystal Balls - 2009-02-11 04:49:05
If Sunday falls within your work week (vs the start of a NEW week,) it's Federal law that you be paid overtime. But if the Depot of Home is like most businesses I know the work week starts on Sunday. Oh well. It's been rainy and cold and icky here too. Guess we'll be getting another wave coming over from you soon.

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