
Rosie - 2009-03-02 02:51:30
Hasn't the homeless man figured out that you catch more flies with honey that with vinegar? I believe that I would do something like make up a bag of fruit or something, and include a note that says something like that. Then I'd give it to him next time he approaches me.
bluesleepy - 2009-03-02 05:24:21
Oh I love that you're outside in the sunshine and fresh air! Plus I can't wait till I can plant some things in the ground. Spring is coming, even to New England!
Rattus Regina - 2009-03-02 06:16:09
Wasn't today absolutely gorgeous? Even the evening was perfect, I took a walk tonight and didn't need a light jacket or anything. Yay for being in SoCal!
terri t - 2009-03-02 14:27:11
It sounds like that homeless man could have some other issues. I think keeping your door locked and window up and not making eye contact is a great idea. I was surprised that you got so tired...maybe just having a different routine and walking around made the difference. Hope you have a good day today.
LA - 2009-03-02 14:58:33
Outside amongst the plants sounds heavenly right now. The snow gods came by to hit us one last time before giving up for the season. Just when I started to get tulip and daff tips showing through the mulch too! Stay safe during your commute. ~LA
art - 2009-03-02 18:44:54
agressive panhandlers have a special place in society, its called JAIL! thats where the idiot needs to be!

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