
Rebekah - 2009-03-05 04:43:41
I'm so happy you're surrounded y green living things (Including Key Lady) - enduring winter sucks.

when i was a teenager, we didn't have Hot Topic and all that mall stuff; we made our heavy metal clothing. at least once, i fashioned a belt from stuff in my dad's tool drawer. maybe the other Green Living Thing, the young lady, was being retro and creative? (I recently threw out pounds of chain I'd gotten at The Depot for a few bucks... too heavy for this ol' back these days)

of course, we didn't have Depots of Homes, either
wordy - 2009-03-05 05:43:40
no offense taken or meant! that bag lady sounds like a winner, though. reminds me of this guy who used to frequent the bookstore i worked in. he always came in with a used (read: bedraggled) paperback, which he would slap on the counter as he loudly said "This is MY BOOK!" The last two words were always accompanied by the loudest slaps. Then he would walk around the store forever and finally come back to the register and show us all how his snake tattoo danced on his arm. good times.
bluesleepy - 2009-03-05 14:40:46
You're already talking about how you were working at HD last summer?? Wow, does time fly! I can hardly believe it. That Angry Woman -- I don't understand those sorts of people, and I really do feel sorry for them. How awful it must be to be that miserable all the time.
art - 2009-03-05 16:42:51
i am totally surprised that you get nutbag customers in there, ya wouldn't think the nutbags goto the depot of homes! sheesh! i wouldnt last, im afraid, if a custy started yelling at me, i'd blast em with my flamethrower mouth, and they would see a REAL nutbag in action!! hehehee!!
terri t - 2009-03-05 19:58:40
These days, I don't think it is too difficult to run into people who have little "problems" like germs and such. I think your idea on "educating" the management about not responding to your calls for cash pickup and so on is good. They don't want to pay you OT but when they won't respond to your calls, that isn't right. Like you said, what if there was an emergency and you needed help NOW!
Carol - 2009-03-06 00:39:22
I have been having a VERY bad day, and I just want you and Wordy and Art to know that I am now feeling soooooo much better after reading your post and their comments. I was going to ask where Art had gotten to and now I'm glad to know that he has a flamethrower mouth and I just wish I could borrow that one of these days. Wordy, just the thought of the "snake charmer" made me laugh. Thanks to all.
wordy - 2009-03-06 04:09:59
Carol, glad I could make you smile on a bad day =)

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