
Rosie - 2009-03-25 06:28:39
Dang, the weather was so nice a few days ago, even at night, and now it's back to being colder than a witch's tit after the sun goes down! And don't ask me how I know how cold a witch's tit is! *LOL*
Pattypat - 2009-03-25 11:16:41
YAY! I talked to spouse who was willing and happy to meet you and then he asked me where you lived in Pasadena. I have such a tiny, tiny brain sometimes. He's flying into LA, don't know why I thought he was going to your part of the state. Wishful thinking I guess. Thank you for being so thoughtful. I'm sorry for creating such confusion.
l\'empress - 2009-03-25 13:25:33
It's always good to hear that I'm not the only one. My mother used to say, "learn to eat the specials."
Terri T. - 2009-03-25 18:00:34
Sounds like a long day standing on your feet. Glad to hear that you have a couple of days off work so you can relax and put your feet up (lol)
Sandyz - 2009-03-25 18:12:55
Enjoy your days off...sounds like you are due one. Weather here is winter blues...the grey. Sandyz
Pattypat - 2009-03-25 19:36:28
Next time I'm coming WITH HIM!
psis - 2009-03-25 22:08:59
Why don't you have an extra sweater or something that stays in your locker at work all the time so you don't have to worry about forgetting to take a jacket along every day? Enjoy your days off!

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