
im2qt2kr - 2009-04-25 04:13:36
Is "The Mouth that Roared" neighbor the same one who had a hissy-fit when you dared to park in HIS space??
Poolie - 2009-04-25 04:38:05
It could a long hot summer with that jerk ass around.
zucchini breath - 2009-04-25 13:42:55
You could start and anonymous passive/aggressive note campaign... It won't really help but it's more fun than filing a formal complaint with your landlord :)
terri t - 2009-04-25 15:51:12
I'm thinking the landlord might be intimidated by the nasty tenant and will renew his lease. Maybe it's time to start calling the police for a disturbance if he continues to be so loud... But I think you are doing the best thing which is to keep out of his way and ignore him as much as possible.

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