
zucchini breath - 2009-05-17 01:18:30
Whew! Glad you made it!
mpeacock - 2009-05-17 01:33:45
Wave to me!!! Well I am a bit north. Have FUN!!!!! :)
Miss Hiss - 2009-05-17 01:36:55
Have a ball, you two sagebrush sheilas! I wish I could be there! Love, R xxx
psis - 2009-05-17 02:09:11
Wow, that is quite a long trip! Have a fun weekend.
Rosie - 2009-05-17 02:36:15
And won't folks be surprised when I take your "virginity" later tonight?
kim - 2009-05-17 12:38:58
Enjoy your vacation~ I'm sooo envious! I'm sure you and CasaRosie will have a blast!
terri t - 2009-05-17 17:19:39
I was thinking about you and Miss Rosie last night and wondering what you were doing besides laughing and blogging....

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