
Judith - 2009-05-23 05:53:16
I hate days when it seems like your car has a bullseye painted on it. Glad you didn't get in an accident!
psis - 2009-05-23 12:50:05
Unfortunately people don't need much of a brain to get a driver's license it seems.
Poolie - 2009-05-23 14:16:02
terri t - 2009-05-23 19:14:30
Rut Roh.....sounds like a couple of people have been taking advantage at work....hope you get the breaks and non-support straightened out...that isn't right at all. glad you got through the day and made it back home. Hope you had a better time today
bluesleepy - 2009-05-24 03:23:38
I JUST finished that Yahtzee challenge. It doesn't take me long to finish a round, but it's the waiting for a new game that kills me. Ugh. Glad you were alert and didn't get in any accidents!!
Kitty - 2009-05-24 04:28:19
You get the punching in and out for each other everywhere. I've only had a handful of jobs, but everyone does it. I'm not condoning (sp?) it, I'm just saying. I never did it cuz if someone punched it for me and I never came in at all, I'd get caught. Well, that and I was never late cuz I WAS RESPONSIBLE. It's not that difficult!!! People asked me to do it for them, but I always told them to just be on time and then they could do it themselves. *grin*

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