
LA - 2009-08-12 10:35:00
Except for a gallon of milk that was ugly sour and marked well within the sell by date, I've never returned anything in my whole life. If I made a mistake I figure out how to repurpose the thing or pass it onto someone who can use it. These cheapo people with their broken stuff and their nails, bolts and screws are crazy! Sorry, but my time is far more valuable than the $1.35 for going all the way over there, standing in line, fumbling for receipts or arguing when I don't have one just to return the 'wrong' foam paint brush. How do you keep from smacking these doofuses? ~LA
momonroof - 2009-08-12 11:50:30
The joke's gonna be on THEM over the next couple weeks, when the REAl summer heat sets in...
yankeechick - 2009-08-12 12:16:57
They keep wanting to train me on the Customer Service desk (returns, etc.) and so far I have managed to put it off. I'm just not sure I could keep my cool with some of these people! Of course, a manager has to deal with any problem issues, so I suppose it wouldn't be that bad........but still........people can be so unreasonable and verbally abusive. I get enough of that as a humble cashier! :( My hat's off to you, girl!
For-Tart - 2009-08-12 13:41:44
Mr. D? Did I miss a post?
Poolie - 2009-08-12 14:39:33
I agree with LA. I returned sour cream twice in the same night, but other than that....I don't return stuff.
terri t - 2009-08-12 15:51:29
I don't usually return much either...unless it didn't fit and I can't find anyone to give it to and it cost more than I want to "lose".... I was extremely pleased when I bought an item in Texas and was able to return it in Indiana...of course I had the original packaging and the receipt but still....
mpeacock - 2009-08-13 02:09:14
Paula G from Indiana - 2009-08-13 04:13:26
I returned moldy mushrooms last week. The top ones looked fine. underneath, ewww. I was out running errands anyway so I returned them for my $3. (I had my receipt showing I purchased them two days earlier)

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