
bluesleepy - 2009-08-22 01:32:18
Cheers to you!! I only wish I could have a shot or three with you.
Crystal Balls - 2009-08-22 09:13:21
Oops... We all have those moments now and then, don't we? I once left work an hour early, just because I read the clock wrong. I called my manger as soon as I realized what I'd done. (She just cracked up, thank goodness!)
yankeechick - 2009-08-22 12:10:31
Sounds just like our Garden Center! What a joke.
MoodyGemini - 2009-08-22 14:23:51
k I resubbed to you again (*I dont know what happened, you fell off my google reader radar a while back*) and lemme get this work at the Depot AND have a romance with a mysterious man?????? ooo lala!

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