
mpeacock - 2009-09-12 04:03:35
Laundry here too.
Crystal Balls - 2009-09-12 05:20:38
Holy moley - sounds like you hit the bargain jackpot! I've had days like that, though. Nice to hear some of my friends are sharing the wealth :)
Erianne - 2009-09-12 14:04:57
You always find such great deals! I found one yesterday myself. I ran to the store for one thing, but had to buy more when I found all the store brand veggies were 44 cents for the big cans...won't have to buy any for a while hehehe.
WifeMotherMe - 2009-09-12 14:30:49
I think the "new" reader from FL might be me. When I moved into the new house (late July) I switched to Verizon. (& and since I am a lazy ass that never leaves notes you might have forgotten I was read - I do btw Always)
nccountry - 2009-09-12 16:34:38
well i'm from florida but i'm not a new reader. i'm a bit of a lurker lol
LA - 2009-09-12 16:44:25
The Recessionista is impressed with your bargains! WTG! ~LA
terri - 2009-09-12 22:12:15
You got some awesome deals at the grocery store! I get totally excited over a good bargain!
lee - 2009-09-12 22:59:15
my ISP address is wacked out, so it might be me! i use cricket broadband in mississippi but it shows it as comcast in FL or LA for some reason. i just read all your entries on this site, and i'm interested in reading the other journal. can you email me the password?
Nina - 2009-09-13 01:18:56
What other journal? Me too! LOL.
beyondpanic - 2009-09-13 01:36:09
I'm an "old" reader from PA, but I'll be happy to email you, for fun. heeheehee

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