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2008-08-07 ... 8:37 p.m.

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One of those days at work

Seems like everyone on Dland posted during the 9 hours I was out at work. Wow.

I actually left for work a little early, because I wanted to do some shopping at the Depot of Home. Sam and Janet the palm trees need new pots. Sam keeps falling over and I can't have that happen in the house. Besides, they need water, and in the crappy plastic pots they are rootbound in, that just isn't going to happen. So I bought some pots and soil for them.

I also bought some "earthquake putty" similar to this but not the same packaging. It holds those little things that are breakable on the shelves during earthquakes. Poolagirl suggested I do something with some of the fragile little things I have around here.

Then I started work. I was in the garden area today, always my favorite. Except at the end of the night. I called the head cashier, Rose, about 6 and told her I had a strip, but no strip bag, and when she came to pick up the strip could she bring me a bag? SURE.

Well, it didn't happen. I finished up my last few customers, and about 7:45 closed the garden doors and counted out my till. We are not allowed to walk our money through the store for safety reasons, and since I didn't have a tube to send it through that system, I couldn't get rid of it, BESIDES the fact that Rose needed to sign my strip paperwork.

I tried calling her for at least ten minutes, and either no one answered the phone, or it was busy. I was beginning to get a bit irritated.... Finally I got ahold of her, told her I had no tube, no strip bag and a strip, and she needed to come and get me. She got there, talking on the phone to her kid (no wonder the line was busy) and then went through all the other registers looking for a tube and a strip bag. She didn't find any. Heh.

So then she had all the money, so I walked HER over to the main side, and she sent my money up in the tube, and took care of my strip. Why is it so hard? Other head cashiers don't do that. But I am going to make sure when I work out there on Saturday and Sunday that I will have a tube, and a couple of strip bags so I don't have to go through this crap again. Sheesh!

It was slow, too, except for when my cashier partner decided to just disappear for a half hour. One of the garden people who is also a cashier jumped in and checked instead of him. I'm glad he's quitting, because I would have to have words with him or Norma about his disappearing during the middle of the afternoon.

But, whatever. The day is over, and I'm home and looking forward to having tomorrow off. Hooray! Sam and Janet will be coming inside! Woot!!

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4 comments so far

Blue Opal - 2008-08-08 04:19:05
Woohoo for the plant buddies' move indoors! And good for you on the upcoming day off. Those are some pretty nice things to have!
Rattus Regina - 2008-08-08 04:19:51
Ooohh. That Earthquake Putty is a really good idea. I've lived in CA half of my life, and never really thought about it. We always took broken knick-knacks as a matter of course. I'm gonna have to get some of that stuff now!
Poolie - 2008-08-08 04:26:27
Sam and Janet Evening?
Patty - 2008-08-08 16:38:45
HAHAHA! Good one, Poolie!!

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