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2009-07-04 ... 7:08 p.m.

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Hilarity out in garden

Happy 4th to everyone!

Work today was sloooowww.. I was out in the garden, and even though it was a beautiful day weather-wise, it was a pretty slow one store-wise. We had a few small rushes, but nothing significant. I'd be surprised if the store actually covered its labor today.

It was all pretty quiet and sedate until Blue left, and then one of the other girls started making a few off-color jokes, and before we knew it, we were all laughing uncontrollably. I had to walk outside to regain my composure, as it just wouldn't do to pee in my pants, and it wasn't time for a break. I didn't want to leave and miss the fun, either. What a hoot!

I am looking forward to working for the next two weeks in returns. Bob mentioned that change in schedule, and we talked about Buster being outside in my place. He thought it was due to one of us being "punished" although we couldn't decide which one of us it was... but we did talk a bit about Buster's bad comments and I mentioned that I wasn't sure if it was Blue or Buster being punished by making him work in outside garden. Heh.

I will definitely enjoy my two-week inside vacation!

Other than that, not much is happening around here. Noisy neighbor is still around, and although it does seem like he might be moving, I am just not sure if or when he is going. At least things have been quiet around here lately.

All the fireworks are best seen from the beach, but there is no way I will go down there alone. I would guess the parking would be horrendous, and the last thing I want to do is walk a couple miles for them. Plus the newscaster said last night that the most dangerous times on the freeway this weekend will be between 4:30 and 8:30 today... with the most drunk drivers out on the roads between those hours. So home I will stay. That's ok, I've seen enough fireworks, and I'm sure I won't miss them. I plan on being in bed reading by the time they start, since I work at 8 again tomorrow.

I have one hummingbird here who is hogging the feeder, and chasing the others off. He sits and waits in the bush below the feeder, and flies out at the other birds when they come to feed. Seems like I might need to get another feeder so the snot has one all to himself. Or I can just bang on the window and chase the little bugger away.... Guess I'll have to see if that works!

One more day of garden to go.....

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5 comments so far

bluesleepy - 2009-07-05 02:59:03
Watch the fireworks on the tv!!!
Mineralo - 2009-07-05 04:54:51
Happy 4th of july !!!
im2qt2kr - 2009-07-05 06:28:57
I'm with you about avoiding the drunk drivers. I've lost 3 friends to drunk drivers on various holidays. It's just not worth it, especially when the fireworks on TV from New York are so beautiful.
Crystal Balls - 2009-07-05 11:21:04
I stayed home this evening. We did our running around earlier in the day. I thought about going outside to watch the fireworks but to be perfectly honest it was too damned hot for me to stay outside. So I curled up with a book and a raging case of insomina.
terri t - 2009-07-05 20:01:35
I didn't even get off the couch to look out to see if there were any fireworks I could see....heard a lot of noises but it all stopped fairly quickly. We had a hummer who liked to patrol the feeder last year...I've only seen it once this season so far....

Did you miss a piece?

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