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2009-02-19 ... 7:46 p.m.

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A chocolate laugh

It's been a long week, and it's only Thursday. Sure glad there's only one more day of work and then I get to play for four days!

I worked inside and in the garden today, and I even spent a couple hours being the greeter. That was kind of fun, although I wouldn't want to do it for 40 hours a week.

There were a few of us in the breakroom today talking about chocolate. What else is there to talk about?? Anyway, I mentioned that I got bags of M&Ms at Walgreen's last night for 75� each (12 oz bags!) and a couple of people said they thought they would probably go check that out.

I said that I think I bought enough reduced Valentine's day candy to last until Easter, when that candy would be reduced, and it started a major laughing jag in the break room. At least three people were laughing, mostly because they all agreed that they did the exact same thing! NEVER pay full price for holiday candy! Hee!!

Tonight I stopped and filled my car up with gas before getting on the freeway. What is it about an accident on the west-bound freeway to make a total snarl out of traffic on the eastbound? People, just be glad it wasn't you, and don't slow down to gawk, or it MIGHT be you!

Came home and sat down to read DLand, and started dozing off. I guess that means it's time for bed!

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Kiss Me!

6 comments so far

Im2QT2Kr - 2009-02-20 09:36:47
I have been known to buy christmas candy, after christmas, and pick out all the reds, whites, golds and silvers (kisses), freeze them, and use them for cookies and such for Valentine's Day. I love a bargain!!
DSIS - 2009-02-20 11:53:40
Chocolate on sale! Does it get any better than that? Well, maybe wine on sale, and yes, wine and chocolate DO go together!
LA - 2009-02-20 12:11:45
When we were in college we'd hang out at the 24-hour grocery store on Valentine's Day and Easter. At the stroke of midnight all the holiday candy went half-price. At that point all us broke candy fiends loaded up like Supermarket Sweep and booked on out of there with our loot. For us the holidays fell on Feb 15 and Easter Monday. Heh. ~LA
terri t - 2009-02-20 18:33:33
in my mind, if it is on sale, it's a bargain that can't be turned down easily. So can you score anything good after St Patrick's Day in California too?
art - 2009-02-20 18:59:58
someone passed around a big bag of chocolate covered almonds!! YUM! only thing is i cant eat the almonds!! no teef!
psis - 2009-02-20 19:47:53
I wait a little bit longer and go for the 75% off what's left candy--this year I scored on some unappetizing appearing chocolate wrapped up in black paper as "coal" 1.25oz for 10 cents each--I bought all that was left!

Did you miss a piece?

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