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2008-10-10 ... 4:26 p.m.

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A second lazy day off

A chilly wind blew it's way through my apartment last night, making the vertical blinds dance and clatter against the walls, as if they were trying to warm themselves with their movement. The wind brought with it the howling of the coyotes in the canyon. I wonder what scents were carried along. I stayed huddled in bed under my blankets, with my pajamas and my thermal socks on. For the first time since I moved to San Diego, I was cold. I finally had to get up and close the windows to keep my nose from freezing.

Once I got up though, the windows were opened again. It was almost 70 degrees by 7:30. I don't think it really got much colder than that; it was just that the wind was blowing right on me while I was in bed. My nose was cold!

And since I had today off too, I spent the morning lounging in my nice warm jammies, until it was time to take a shower and meet Poolagirl for lunch. We met earlier than we normally do, since Poolie has an event going on tonight and tomorrow, and she needed the afternoon to find some "No Parking" signs and figure out how she was going to get them set out at 4AM without actually being there.

I came back home, and other than running to the Fern Street Food Bowl, I did precious little else. It was lovely! Once I got home with my groceries though, I made supper, made lunch for my next three days of work, and made a big batch of guacamole.

I did some planning for the Javelina Hunt, too. I can't divulge those secrets though, you will all have to wait and see what has been planned. It's still not too late to sign up, especially if you live in the Southwest!

Preparations await! Woot!!

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5 comments so far

Blue Opal - 2008-10-11 01:08:15
Well pooh. I don't get to go to the Javelina Hunt but it sure sounds like fun. And as to the chill - yeah, it will happen now and again. But keep in mind that it's comparison. How cold do you think it is now in Wisconsin???
Fifi - 2008-10-11 01:11:13
Oooh, coyotes! I love them. From a distance! Not close up. XOFifi
Rosie - 2008-10-11 02:15:19
Remember that great entry I was telling you about? My computer ate it! @#%$@**@&^%$ Dag nab it!
Poolie - 2008-10-11 16:04:24
I cloned myself and got the signs put up in a timely manner.
terri t - 2008-10-11 18:57:38
I'm glad you are enjoying the days off. Sounds like you made good use of your time. I think the laundromat does afford you some good things, getting many machines running at once to cut down on the time spent...having an excuse to buy some special coffee, having time to sit and read or observe the people in the laundromat. And if it takes 2 years to make up for the cost of your own small units; it does seem better to continue with the laundromat. So, we are leaving Monday to start our trip out West....I don't know what special treats I could possibly bring except maybe some empty packing boxes from my BIL's move next week.... Looking forward to meeting you very soon. Loved the political cartoon. Husband and I voted absentee ballot last week.

Did you miss a piece?

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